EEPC India announces the Green Awards to recognize and raise awareness on environmental sustainability successes of organization in the engineering manufacturing sector​

The awards will acknowledge the effort and commitment of organizations for environmental responsibility, Environmental performance and environmental improvement.​

EEPC India is the largest industry organization of national and global repute.​ EEPC India quality awards act as a global recognition of competency and strength in the area of quality in​ manufacturing.​

About The Award

EEPC India is the nodal body under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India working towards the promotion of trade and investments in the engineering sector. It represents around 10000 members from large, medium and small-scale sector (over 60% from MSMEs)

As you are aware, Green manufacturing is emerging as an important benchmark of competitiveness in 21st century.

The Governments around the world are working to introduce several trade regulations including both Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers to reduce carbon footprints in order to achieve national climatic commitments.

For ex. EU is introducing the ‘Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)’from 1st October, 2023.

Similarly, several countries around the world are also investing significantly in green innovation and manufacturing technologies that will redefine the value chain.

Given its importance and its impact on the Indian Engineering sector, the companies have already started moving in remodeling, redesigning their processes and activities to be gradually ready to serve and contribute towards the global value chain.

In order to motivate and appreciate the prudent move and achievement of the Indian engineering companies towards fulfilling environmental sustainability, EEPC India proudly announces EEPC India Green Awards.

Participation Benefits

By participating in green awards, your company can gain significant recognition, improve its business performance, and contribute to a more sustainable future

Recognition and Reputation:

  1. Publicity and Brand Image : Winning or being nominated for a green award generates positive publicity. ​
  2. Industry Recognition : The Award will help establish you as a leader in sustainable engineering practices thus giving a competitive edge when bidding for projects or attracting top talent who value environmental responsibility.​
  3. Benchmarking: The award application process itself can be a valuable exercise. It helps you assess your current environmental performance against industry benchmarks and identify areas for further improvement.​​

Business Benefits:

  1. Cost Savings : Green practices often lead to cost savings in the long run. Participating in the awards can motivate you to identify and implement such practices, leading to reduced energy and resource consumption.​​
  2. Client Attraction : Many companies are increasingly looking for engineering partners with strong environmental credentials. Winning a green award demonstrates your commitment to sustainability, making you a more attractive choice for environmentally conscious clients.​​
  3. Employee Morale : Recognition for your environmental efforts can boost employee morale and create a sense of pride within your company.​​​

Aim of the Award

To encourage the efficient use of the resources 
To improve the environmental performance
To enhance the competitiveness of the organizations
To help in pacing up the exports thus building the brand equity
To support the wider goals of the sustainable development

Who can apply?

Both members and non-members can apply for the awards.

The applicant organization must belong to the engineering Manufacturing sector.

If you are not an EEPC India member, please ensure that your organization has not been convicted by any court for irregularities.

In case, of EEPC India members, the membership registration should be valid. At least 3 or more of products manufactured by your company should be in the range of HS Codes 72-90 (at 6-digit HS Codes level) The award application form should be submitted to EEPC India duly complete in all aspects. Incomplete applications/inadequate information are bound to be rejected. One organization can submit the award application form strictly for One Unit/Plant/Factory. Shortlisted applications will be assessed as per the data submitted pertaining to the Unit/Plant/Factory by competent assessors. By submitting your application for EEPC India Green Awards, the applicant is agreeing to the above terms of reference for entry.  EEPC India will maintain the confidentiality of documents submitted along with the award application form at all stages.

It will take one complete day for site assessment by 2 assessors/unit.

The attachment, description should be clearly linked to the relevant question of the award application form.

Misrepresentation of facts will disqualify the organization from the award process at any stage. 

In case of clarifications, applicant should get the doubts cleared before applying for the award.  The right for announcing/giving the number of awards for each of the award category solely lies with EEPC India.  Submission of application for the award does not ensure your entitlement to receive the awards.   The decision with regard to the EEPC India Green Awards rests with the EEPC India and no correspondence would be entertained in this regard.   All document submitted with the award application form must be legible & in English language.   Kindly note that for site assessment the travel, accommodation, and local conveyance (2 assessors per unit) will be borne by the unit shortlisted for the green awards. Assessors are entitled to and fro travel by Air (Economy Class / 1st AC where there is no Air connectivity) 

Award Categories

Large Enterprise


Medium Enterprise


Small/Micro Enterprise

visit here to know more :

Note : The Micro, Small and Medium level enterprises/organizations will be as per the latest definition of the MSME Act. 

Rules And

Decision of the award as taken by EEPC India will be final and binding and no request/recommendation will be entertained.

If at any stage, there is a need to change/modify the award criteria; EEPC India will do the same. The purpose of the changes/modifications will be to strengthen the award scheme and assessment.

While all reasonable precautions will be taken for maintaining confidentiality, EEPC will accept no liability for any loss resulting from the non-willful disclosure of information concerning the applications. 

Award Process


Call for the application


Receipt of the online filled up application forms and the initial scrutiny of the same​


Document Assessment - Review of the application documents to short list the applicants​​


Application documents to short list the Document Assessment - Review of the applicants​


​Selection of units for site assessment​


Site assessment of shortlisted units​​


Compilation of data, and assessment by the assessors​​


Presentation of data and outcome of the site assessment to EEPC India​​


Recommendation for the final awards as per the shortlisted entities in respective categories​​


Award Presentation​

Application fees

The non members are being charged a fee of Rs. 7000 as the application fee and it is free of charge for the EEPC Members.

Members Non- Members (In INR)​
Free of charge 7000 + GST per application​

Non-disclosure and Confidentiality

Names of the applicants, assessors, scoring parameters for assessment are regarded as proprietary and kept confidential. Such information will be made available to individuals directly involved in the assessment and administrative processes of EEPC India. All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that the applications and the information are treated in strict confidence arising out of any non-willful acts or conduct. However, in no way, EEPC India can be held responsible for any loss of confidentiality to any third party. Moreover, EEPC India cannot be held liable for any damage (to goods, or persons, financial loss or consequences) incurred through the breach of confidentiality or otherwise, by the applicant, or any other third party. EEPC India reserves the right to publish salient features of the environment practices of award winning organizations for knowledge sharing